
Líneas científicas y publicaciones

En el Laboratorio abarcamos un amplio espectro de conocimiento científico, incluyendo pero no limitado a los siguientes puntos.

  • Fundamentación matemática de las redes complejas
    • Redes estándar (monocapa, interacciones a pares).
    • Redes multiplex y multicapa.
    • Redes de orden superior (simpliciales o hipergrafos).
  • Centralidades espectrales en redes complejas
    • Eigenvector, PageRank.
    • Non-backtracking.
    • Control de centralidad.
  • Dinámica en redes
    • Fenómenos no lineales y caos.
    • Sincronización (osciladores caóticos o de fase).
    • Teoría de juegos.
  • Machine learning con redes
    • Redes funcionales.
    • Redes parenclíticas.
    • Graph Neural Networks.
    • Series temporales (visibility graph).

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Publicaciones recientes:


  1. "Uplifting edges in higher order networks: spectral centralities for non-uniform hypergraphs", by G. Contreras-Aso, C. Pérez-Corral, M. Romance Preprint available at arXiv:2310.20335 (2023).


  1. "Beyond directed hypergraphs: heterogeneous hypergraphs and spectral centralities", by G. Contreras-Aso, R. Criado, M. Romance. Journal of Complex Networks Vol. 12, Issue 4, cnae037 (2024).
  2. "Analytical results on local resilience and a composed resilience proposal for complex networks", by R. M. Casablanca, R. Criado, J. A. Mesa, M. Romance. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals Vol. 187 (2024), 115383.
  3. "Time-dependent Personalized PageRank for temporal networks: discrete and continuous scales", by D. Aleja, J. Flores, E. Primo, M. Romance. Chaos 34, 083145 (2024).
  4. "The transition to synchronization of networked systems", by A. Bayani, F. Nazarimehr, S. Jafari, K. Kovalenko, G. Contreras-Aso, K. Alfaro-Bittner, R. J. Sánchez-García, S. Boccaletti. Nature Communications 15, 4955 (2024).


  1. "Detecting communities in higher-order networks by using their derivative graphs", by G. Contreras-Aso, R. Criado, G. Vera de Salas, J. Yang. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals Vol. 177 (2023), 114200.
  2. "Endowing networks with desired symmetries and modular behavior", by P. Khanra, S. Ghosh, D. Aleja, K. Alfaro-Bittner, G. Contreras-Aso, R. Criado, M. Romance, S. Boccaletti, P. Pal, C. Hens. Physical Review E 108, 054309 (2023).
  3. "Can the PageRank centrality be manipulated to obtain any desired ranking?", by G. Contreras-Aso, R. Criado and M. Romance. Chaos 33, 083152 (2023).
  4. "Why are there six degrees of separation in a social network?", by I. Samoylenko, D. Aleja, E. Primo, K. Alfaro-Bittner, E. Vasilyeva, K. Kovalenko, D. Musatov, A.M. Raigorodskii, R. Criado, M. Romance, D. Papo, M. Perc, B. Barzel and S. Boccaletti. Phys. Rev. X 13, 021032 (2023).
  5. "A new insight into linguistic pattern analysis based on multilayer hypergraphs for the automatic extraction of text summaries", by A. Criado-Alonso, D. Aleja, M. Romance, and R. Criado. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 0170-4214 (2023), 128306.
  6. "A comprehensive approach for discrete resilience of complex networks", by S. Iglesias-Perez, S. Moral-Rubio and R. Criado. Chaos 33, 013111 (2023), 128306.
  7. "Combining multiplex networks and time series: A new way to optimize real estate forecasting in New York using cab rides", by S. Iglesias-Perez, S. Moral-Rubio and R. Criado. Physica A 609 (1) (2023), 128306.


  1. "A compartmental model for cyber-epidemics", by D. Aleja, G. Contreras-Aso, K. Alfaro-Bittner, E. Primo, R. Criado, M. Romance and S. Boccaletti. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals Vol. 161 (2022), 112310.
  2. "Vector centrality in hypergraphs", by K. Kovalenko, M. Romance, E. Vasilyeva, D. Aleja, R. Criado, D. Musatov, A. M. Raigorodskii, J. Flores, I. Samoylenko, K. Alfaro-Bittner, M. Perc and S. Boccaletti. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 162 (2022), 112397.
  3. "Controlling centrality: The inverse ranking problem for spectral centralities of complex networks", by E. Garcia and M. Romance. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 45(17) (2022), 11755-11768.
  4. "Derivative of a hypergraph as a tool for linguistic pattern analysis", by A. Criado-Alonso, D. Aleja, M. Romance and R. Criado. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals Vol. 163 (2022), 112604.
  5. "Implementing and morphing Boolean gates with adaptive synchronization: The case of spiking neurons", by J. Yang, E. Primo, D. Aleja, R. Criado, S. Boccaletti and K. Alfaro-Bittner. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals Vol. 162 (2022), 112448.
  6. "The chaotic, self-similar and hierarchical patterns in Bitcoin and Ethereum price series", by A. Partida, S. Gerassis, R. Criado, M. Romance, E. Giraldez and J. Taboada. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals Vol. 165 (2022), 112806.
  7. "Modeling Bitcoin plus Ethereum as an open system of systems of public blockchains to improve their resilience against intentional risk", by A. Partida, S. Gerassis, R. Criado, M. Romance, E. Giraldez and J. Taboada. Electronics 11(2) (2022), 241.